I love kids. I always have. I love working with kids and hearing the hilarious things they say or do. I love being a mom and laughing out loud at the hilarious things Harper says, which of course, are the MOST hilarious things ever! Here is another sampling of Harperisms, from February, March, and April!
*I need some shoes on...like my black shoes or my blue shoes or my brown shoes or my red shoes....
(I have no clue where this girl gets her love for shoes!)
* Me: "Peeee yoooo Toby!" (after Toby had passed gas)
Harper: "No, he not bad. He stinks!"
*I love getting the chance to debate my two year old! Like when Harper is saying a friend's name wrong:
(PS- Not actually posting the little boy's full name because I didn't ask his mom for permission!)
Me: "His name is John E....."
Harper: "No, John B...."
Me: "John E...!"
Harper: "No Mom, it actually John B.... say it John B.."
Clearly at two she knows better......
*On the way home riding in the car:
HG: "Which sticker you want Mommy? "
I see a purple sticker in the rearview mirror so I say "The purple heart"
HG: "No, you want the green heart".
Me: "okay" (clearly we have already established attempting to argue with the 2 year old is futile)
HG: "I no have a green heart sticker!"
*"Hatapillar" (we love that she says caterpillar this way!)
* Harper had been playing with some pretend money and was passing it out to Jason and I.
Jason: "Harper, I have some money for you."
HG: "I have my OWN money!"
If only she'll say this at 16!
*"That yucky. Restaurant is dirty. You NO touch wall. You hear me? Mommy? You no touch wall in bathroom. You get germs!"
(I love this because it a) shows how I am slowly making my child OCD and b) she never follows her own advice! What is it about public restrooms that make them so attractive to kids to touch every surface?!?!?
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