Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
"I pray that you being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge- that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God."
-Ephesians 3:17-21

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Bueler? Bueler?

I think our blog is sounding a lot like Ben Stein's character these days. Anyone? Anyone? (BTW- SUCH a great movie!) Wow have we been neglectful! Sorry dear bloggers...all two of you! Anyway, so an update on our life:
house- still for sale, but we are still okay with that (otherwise we'd be homeless!)
my new job- great!...many stories to tell (parents are a crazy group of people)
Jason's job- going well still- he has now learned how to use a tractor and has somehow incorporated his love of duck hunting into his job
Toby- compared to this time last year, a very calm dog! He is on his way to being a very good little (or big- he's almost 90 pounds!) duck hunter, Jason is a great dog trainer and all this duck training has helped Tob become a much calmer dog (when labs have a purpose or mission they are calmer because they know what their job is- kind of reminds you of people, doesn't it?)
life in Auburn- with the students back it takes longer to go everywhere now and WalMart is now a forbidden place considering how crazy it gets this time of year with all the students. Also, the grocery stores apparently don't plan ahead and are out of things I want/need because of the students (sadly, I yelled "stupid students" one night in the grocery store because I couldn't find my pasta...I am lame, I realize that). On the bonus side Jason and I know lots of cool freshman (or just new to Auburn) students this year and are looking forward to feeding and loving on them this year!
That's about it- we will do better with the updates (Jason is here and he says he HAS been blogging- but for his work blog!).

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