Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
"I pray that you being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge- that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God."
-Ephesians 3:17-21

Friday, April 10, 2015

One year

At 2:31am on April 10, 2014, after a long and very painful labor, Jack Andrew Martin entered the world. All pain was forgotten as we got to meet our son for the first time. While this should have been the most difficult and painful day in our lives, at the time we felt such peace and were thrilled to finally get to see our long awaited son. Today will be a hard day, there will be a lot of thoughts about what Jack would be doing now, what he would look like as a one year old, what type of an eater would he be, etc. However, we choose today to celebrate and remember his life.

Dear Jack,
Happy birthday! Your big sister is insistent we celebrate you today and will be disappointed when I tell her we don't have cake. You are loved by so many people, some who never met you! Harper loves imagining what you are doing in Heaven and I am sure a birthday that is also the day you entered Heaven is cause for extra celebration!
I wanted to thank you for all the amazing gifts you gave us in your short time here on Earth. Just getting to meet you and hold you was the biggest gift we could have gotten. Your daddy and I still talk about how, though you were small, you were such a chunk and I've always had a soft spot for chunky babies. You also gave me the gift of time with your sister. I got a month off after you were born and the extra time I got with Harper was so precious to both of us. Even now I get to spend more time with her because I have a different work schedule than I did before you were born. Your baby brother Hendrix (due to arrive in about a month) was not ever in my plans before we were pregnant with you, Jack, so in a way we can thank you for him as well. We'll make sure to tell him all about you and we'll keep your teddy bear in his room to help him remember you (don't worry, it will be up high until he can learn how to care for his toys). Your life and death also helped bring your daddy and I closer to God. Though it seems like a situation like this would have made us run, God actually used you to bring us near to him even more. He held us through the darkest moments of our lives and he turned something terrible into something for His good.
Jack, your life- while short, has made a great impact on many people. More than some adults! While your dad and I would always choose to have you here on Earth with us, we know God has used your life to do so many amazing things already and I know He will continue to do so.
I love you sweet boy,

Want to help continue Jack's legacy? See the options below for how you can help!

Junior League of Lee County Backpack Program: 52% of children in Lee County are on the Free or Reduced Lunch program at school. 20% of children in Lee County struggle with chronic hunger. The backpack program continues to grow and provides food for children on the free lunch program to eat over the weekend when school meals are not provided. To donate, click on this link and then go to the "donate now" button and donate in memory of Jack.

Sonshine Day Camps (sponsored through Alabama Rural Ministry- ARM): These camps are for children in Tuskegee and Livingston Alabama. The camps provide a safe environment as well as academic enrichment and Christian education for children from areas that have little access to other programs over the summer. To donate, click on this link and go to the "donate now" button on the right side of the page and donate in memory of Jack.

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