Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
"I pray that you being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge- that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God."
-Ephesians 3:17-21

Friday, September 30, 2011

Happy Birthday Harper, part 2

Harper had a fabulous birthday weekend, full of lots of family and friend time. It started with the arrival of my parents Thursday, then Jason's parents Friday. We all went to the raptor show which Harper LOVED. She even won a coloring book because she was having a birthday! (Which reminds me, I need to add to the other post- she claps now and says "yay"). Saturday (her birth DAY) she woke up to all the grandparents here. Jason's parents got her a playset for outside which she loves. She has already mastered sliding and is getting better at climbing! Then Sunday we had her party. She did SO well with all the people around and she was miss social hostess with everyone. So glad she enjoyed it- because that is why we had a party! Here are some pictures of our fun weekend!

Happy Birthday Harper, part 1

So, I want to remember Harper's birthday and I want HER to know how much we love her and what she is doing right now. Maybe she'll read this someday. That's half why I write it down, anyway. So, this is the mushy, to Harper, part. Skip it and just look at the pics from her birthday weekend if you want.
Dear Harper,
Somehow when you become a parent, you get the magical skill of making time speed up. Unfortunately, I would prefer just to have it go slow, or at least regular speed, because I truly enjoy spending time with you! I was not sure what to expect before you were born. Your Daddy and I took a class and read books and articles about being a mom and dad, but nothing can really prepare you but experience. You have made being a mother SO much easier than I ever imagined and have been the sweetest girl since day one! Each stage of your life has come with challenges and joys. I enjoy each one more and more (I always think, man, I'll miss this stage, this is my favorite, and then the next one comes and I love it, too!). Your Daddy and I were talking the other night and we were remembering how nervous we were when we first brought you home. Our goal that first night was just to make sure we kept you alive! And we did it! :-) Harper, you are truly a gift from God. I pray that you will come to know and understand true and lasting JOY, that can only be found in knowing your heavenly father. He has given me so much and entrusted me with you! I pray that this quote can be recognized in your life: "She knew that she was formed by God's hands, dreamed up in His heart, and placed in this world for a purpose". Your Daddy and I joke about what that purpose will be, but I want YOU to discover that on your own and not let the schemings of others decide your purpose. Thank you for being such a wonderful daughter!
I love you,
PS- Here's the stuff you probably care about:
Height: 28.5 inches...although I think they measured you wrong, because they usually do and then they have to remeasure. You are slightly taller than average for your age. Big shocker there considering your family.
Weight: 19.23 pounds. You eat like a horse and I wouldn't be surprised if you were 30 pounds the way you eat! Thanks for being such a good eater!
Speaking of food- you drink out of a straw and regular type sippy cup now, you drink whole milk (organic of course!), you eat table food, and you (thanks to your birthday) have a big sweet tooth like your mommy. Your favorite foods are still blueberries, but really any kind of fruit. You also love carrots and sweet potatoes. You are also a big meat fan and have eaten everything from fish to pork to beef to chicken to lamb.
You wave hello and bye appropriately now (that just started a week ago). You used to waved towards yourself but now you wave palm out with fingers outstretched.
You also sign 'more' spontaneously and consistently now. You look so proud of yourself when you do it!
You are walking, running, climbing, dancing, and 'throwing' now (throwing is more like dropping).
You are talking up a storm. Thank goodness! You say: Daddy (a lot), Mama (hardly ever unless you want to eat), duck, dog, up, uh oh, hi/hey, bye bye (which you whisper when you say...we haven't figured out why!), brush, baby, that (your new favorite point to things you want us to show you and say /daet/), bird, and /bob/ for Toby. I don't think I left any off. You imitate a lot of things we say but don't say them spontaneously yet, like cat.
You follow directions very well (give me the ___, put the ___ in the bag, hands down, give ___ to Toby). I hope you KEEP following directions your mom and dad give you well.
You are VERY social and you wave to everyone we see. You love being the center of attention but you are still pretty chill when you aren't. You let strangers hold you and pick you up and you even reached your hands up to the waiters at the Mexican restaurant when you saw them. Mommy does NOT like you wanting strangers to hold you. At least you are friendly, though.
You love to play, whether it is peek a boo, which you will initiate, chase, hug your stuffed animals, pretend with play food (you feed Mommy and Daddy), you love toys that you can dump out and then put back in (although they usually end up out when you are done!), but most of all you LOVE to read. You pick up a book then back up against a person until you are in their lap! You want the same books read to you over and over. Currently they are: Little Kitten, Aubie Loves Sports, Goodnight, Baby, Hurry Hurry, and The Very Hungry Caterpillar. You also love lots of other books that are on the 'forbidden' bookshelf so you don't rip the pages.
Speaking of ripping pages, you get in trouble sometimes, too, now. That is new! You love to play in Toby's water and you know you aren't supposed to be there, so you sneak in to play. You pull books off the grownup books shelves but usually respond if we say "Harper...." or "no ma'am" or "hands down". You also like to play with cords and you try to wrap them around your neck. Which is giving me gray hair. You get in BIG trouble for that because it is not safe. Oh, and for running down the driveway towards the street. Which is hilarious to you but frightening to Mommy.
Okay, that is all! Love you sweet girl!

Friday, September 2, 2011

2 down!

Thanks to Dutch, the beautiful horse in the pictures, I accomplished item number two on my thirty bucket list! He was a very sweet animal and made riding a horse VERY easy. He also kept trying to stop and eat, which I thought was hilarious! I was good and told him no and pulled the reigns up!

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