Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
"I pray that you being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge- that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God."
-Ephesians 3:17-21

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Top Ten list...

So the month of May is a very fun month for me: Mother's Day, our anniversary (8 years!), and rounded out by my birthday, plus sprinkle in the birthdays of some fabulous friends and one fabulous sister in law and it is a month of celebration! Anyway, with so many gift getting opportunities happening in one month what would a girl ask for? Jewelry? The traditional 8th anniversary wedding gift of bronze (!?!?)? No. What I would like is an iPhone. And my 'sweet' husband keeps asking me reasons why an iPhone would be helpful in my life. Notice I didn't say reasons why I NEED an iPhone. Let's face it, I've functioned for 30+ years sans iPhone with no trouble. So I really don't need an iPhone. I just want one. Jason (who ironically has an iPhone 5) joked that I should make a blog called "reasons I want an iPhone" because I keep texting/calling him with reasons. So here goes.
10) Next time I am in a strange city and my gas gauge says 'E' I can find a gas station without having to stop and ask random strangers for directions (this has seriously happened...possibly more than once!)
9) I will be able to look up directions/alternate routes when I am in unfamiliar areas or when I am stuck in traffic without having to pull over and consult a map (or a random stranger, see #10)
8) It would be a great help to be able to use Siri for reminders..I often think of things to add to the 'to do' list on my hour long commute but forget them by the time I get home. Or really to use Siri for anything so I can be 'hands free' and be a safe driver since I spend so much time in the car.
7) Having email contacts available on my phone would be an awesome help for meetings, etc.
6) Being able to have a back up form of entertainment for Harper while we wait at a doctor's office, etc. would be lovely (usually she tires of my books and songs and drawings if we wait longer than 30 minutes)
5) All the helpful Apps Angry Birds and Awkward Family Photo ;-) Just kidding! There really are amazing apps that would help with work, life, etc.
4) I would be able to capture important moments on video (which I am unable to do on my current phone)
3) I would love to be able to listen to my iTunes music while I run (and not have to use ye old walkman since my iPod is broken and I am unable to run without music)
2) It would be helpful in case of an emergency to have my phone with me while I run (since, of course, I'll have it hooked to my ears while I listen to my iTunes).
And the number one reason I would love to have an iPhone is......
1) My sister in law has called my phone a 'Zac Morris phone' (if you don't get this reference, see this clip: ).

But seriously, hopefully you see this as the funny list it is. I do not covet an iPhone and certainly don't NEED it to make my life better or to keep up with the Jones...though my notoriously anti-tech mom has one. I am fine with my dinky phone but if a certain husband was looking for a certain gift for his very deserving wife....I might know of a thing or two! ;-)

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