Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
"I pray that you being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge- that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God."
-Ephesians 3:17-21

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Harperisms 2013

Out of the mouth of babes!

1) (to Toby, with her finger pointed accusingly) "You poop outside. You no poop inside."
(just for the record, except for a stomach virus, Toby has NEVER pooped inside!)

2) Harper: "Daddy, fix this for me."
Jason: "I can't right now." (because he has fake grass all over our living room getting it ready for hunting...)
Harper to me while I am cooking dinner: "Mommy you not really busy. Help me."

3) After pitching a VERY long fit in the car because she didn't get her way:
 "I no happy". 
*Oh, really? The 10 minutes straight of screaming didn't give it away!*

4) After eating crackers with hummus and an orange at my parents house (which is 5 minutes from my house): 
"I hungy. I want snack."
(me) You just ate a big snack at Grandmother and Grandaddy's house, it's almost dinner time. 
"I hungy at home."
(meaning, I want to eat snack at MY house, too!)

5) After repeatedly asking my mom to "open other door" while they were driving. Finally, mom realized she was talking about the sunroof. She opens the sunroof...
"Hey sunshine! What 'cha been doing?"

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Christmas 2012

I realize there has been quite the absence on the blog front. Part of this is due to a lot of exciting changes in our lives and the business of the holiday season. At the end of November my parents found out that my dad got a job close toAuburn so they began making arrangements to move! Fast forward several weeks and they moved to a house within a few miles of us that they had never seen that I 'screened' for them (#trust #nervewracking). Plus, we moved Harper's school to one in Auburn to save on daycare costs, let her avoid the hour commute in the car, and to give her a chance to have a little more social time with kids her age. We were heartbroken to leave her old school because we loved and trusted the teachers there and felt like she excelled with them. But we knew enough about her new school to make all of us feel comfortable with the change. Now...on to Christmas! Here it is through pictures!
 Jason ran his first 5k with me, the Toys for Tots race! (he beat me, too!)
Our Christmas card. A friend said Jason wins best husband award for agreeing to it! I say Harper wins best toddler award since she cooperated for the picture!
 Harper's Nonnie and Poppa went with us to help us pick out a tree! They were great sports keeping her entertained and sweating in the hot weather!
 Harper and Toby loved the tree this year and managed not to knock it down or break any ornaments!
 Harper refused to get within 3 feet of Santa so this was the closest we came to a picture with Santa, a picture with the Georgia Aquarium's Scuba Claus!

 Santa came on Christmas Eve! He brought Harper an art table, art supplies, and a lazy susan to hold all of her crayons, markers, pencils, paint, etc. And to quote one of my all time favorite Christmas movies "SANTA! I KNOW HIM!"
 Harper knew just what to do when she saw her presents! 
 After Christmas at our house we went to Nonnie and Poppa's house and had Christmas with Jason's family and with Harper's new cousins! (Whom she called her sisters...which might take some explaining if she ever says that to people that don't know us well!)
 My parents got Harper a balance bike for Christmas. These things are awesome and she is already figuring it out pretty well! No major falls but she is not allowed on the street until we get a helmet (and wrist guards and knee pads Jason says).
 I got to see my sister at Christmas, too! So fun to have a whole week with her!
Harper is already playing while Jason goes through the fun Christmas morning tradition "putting the toys together". Unfortunately someone (coughcoughme) didn't realize it said 'some assembly required'. Oops. 

Open Book

*** blog posts may not be frequent, life is too important and too busy for me to use my time for blogging when I could be doing something important. I will, however, try to catch up with life when I have some rare free time! In 2013 I do not resolve to be a better blogger...because I'd like to be a better mother, wife, daughter, worker, etc. Sorry blog world!****

So, in my younger years I've been called unemotional, unfeeling, even cold hearted. And that was by my friends! Maybe ironically enough, these characterizations never hurt my feelings. I never cried at movies, never got as giddy as other teens, never had the outward signs of emotions that is stereotypical of a lot of girls. I chalk it up to my 'unfeeling' British heritage. The reason I mention this is that in November I took a HUGE step outside my comfort zone and participated in the 'Thirty Days of Thankfulness' . Well, at the time I didn't realize that is what it was called and I just participated until Thanksgiving Day. Anyways. The point is, I put myself out there which is unusual for me since I am not a mushy person. When I decided to participate I had several things I was thankful for that I knew I would include. Then I figured I would run out of things to list so I had some funny/sarcastic things to be thankful for. Much to my surprise, I never ran out of actual things to be thankful for! I mean, I really am thankful for so much in my life but I thought thinking of a new thing every day would eventually become hard. It wasn't. God used that time to show me just how much he has give me...given all of us! I write this to encourage anyone reading (all 3 of you) to pick a month (don't wait until November, pick February, it's short! ;-)) and either publicly on FB or privately come up with one thing each day to be thankful for. I found my attitude changing during this time. Instead of coming up with snarky posts about Muscogee County drivers traffic I was excited to share about something positive. It also put that person/place/situation on my heart for that day as well. If you choose not to share your thoughts publicly then I encourage you to write them down. Being able to go back and reflect on what I was thankful for is so encouraging. It was important to me to acknowledge mine publicly since I tend to be an emotionally private person. But either way- try it! I bet you'll discover a world of blessings to be thankful for!

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