Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
"I pray that you being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge- that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God."
-Ephesians 3:17-21

Sunday, April 29, 2012


Thank you so much to everyone for all the kind words and encouragement! I successfully ran the entire 1/2 marathon without stopping (minus at the drink stations, it was HOT!). I have now completed 3 out of 5 items on my 30 Bucket List and more importantly proved to myself that I could do it! Below are some pictures and some highlights of the day.
Harper helping me stretch pre-race. My favorite picture from the day!
Me happy to be still for a moment after running for 13.1 miles!
Me with my support crew/coaches/training partners
Highlights of the day: 1.finishing! no one told me they FED you during races, if I had known I would have run a 1/2 much sooner! 3.the crowd: the people of Nashville were out in force and I got more high fives from kids and cheers from people that kept me motivated than I ever imagined! Plus all the cute kids and dogs along the route were super entertaining! 4.the signage: there was no lack of motivational signs along the way...some that were HIlarious but I can't repeat on the blog because I'd like to keep this G rated (if you really want to know ask me in person!). 5.seeing Harper's face blowing me kisses after I crossed the finish line :-) 6.the two military guys walking to raise money for St. full cammo, boots, and a packed ruck sack. It was SO hot in my high tech running gear, I can't even imagine wearing boots. THANK YOU for your service and THANK YOU for your support of St. Jude.
Oops, I forgot to add one more highlight: Getting to run past my freshman dorm (and wave to my old window) that is slated to be torn down next month. In that room is where I first got the illness that started this whole running craze. Good times in that dorm but good riddance! It needed to go a long time ago!

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