So I braved the crowds yesterday (which, in all honesty, are nothing compared to most places this time of year...I shudder remembering when I lived in Birmingham! You can't even get near the Galleria this time of year!). Anyway, back to my original point, I braved the crowds and had some adventures.
1) Apparently it was men in kilts convention at Tiger Town- there were tons of men (I mean, upwards of 10) wearing kilts. Nice.
2) As I waited in the drive through line at Chick-Fil-A just to get the Peppermint Chocolate Chip milkshake and it seemed to take forever, I thought "Is this really worth it?". IT WAS! That milkshake and all its glorious calories got me through a three hour shopping trip!
3) Stores sell a lot of crap. You have a lot of time to look around as you wait in line and there is all kinds of junk being sold. It's the kind of stuff that wouldn't sell at a yard sale for a nickel! Why do they have it?
4) The Books a Million lady got angry with me when I turned down their special card offer. I told her "I never shop here" and she then went into this whole spiel about how it would only cost me $12.99 today instead of the regular $20. I said "So I get to use it today if I purchase it?" and she said well, the discount can either be looked at as applied to the purchase or the cost of the card. I say: "so basically I am just adding $12.99 to my total purchase price? No thanks." and she got really offended! Point is- do they get commission off these cards or something? And honestly, I almost always buy my books off Amazon anyway, so I'll just be wasting the money. I was already spending a lot of money at their store, just leave me alone!
5) I love love love to give presents. Jason would tell you that if he didn't watch me, I would spend all our money on food and gifts. It is just fun to pick out something that you know will give someone happiness and give it to them! I also really love wrapping gifts. Anyway, all that being said, I really lost sight of the joy of the season during yesterday's holiday shopping. Oh, I got excited about finding just the right thing, but all in all, the craziness and business of this time of year really usurps the real reason we celebrate Christmas. I need to continue to try to focus on THAT and not let everything else get in the way!
Merry Christmas!
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