In light of the horrible tragedy in Alabama this week, I have been very VERY thankful this week that my family is safe, that our home is still standing, and that we have been blessed with more life to live. Especially since we are still living in a mobile home! On a MUCH MUCH lighter note, I am also very thankful that I am not Kate Middleton. I know 99% of girls and women would disagree, but I would never want a wedding like that- how stressful! You probably have to make all these decisions for your wedding day based on what is expected or tradition or what is required, rather than on what you want. So thankful Jason and I got to do things OUR way!
(You might think that was a weird combo of ideas, but I always think a little humor helps to get through the hard times!)
Okay, the one bonus of becoming a princess- the Queen lets you borrow a tiara! ;-)
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
New house
Update in pictures

So, brief update on our lives...we bought a house, Harper got baptized!, Harper loves eating everything (rice cereal, carrots, sweet potatoes, peas, bananas, paper, etc.), Harper learned to crawl (video coming soon), we took Harper to A-day (and inside Jordan-Hare Stadium) for the first time, and we celebrated our first Easter with Harper! Enjoy the pics..I'll write more soon when it's not Easter!
Sunday, April 3, 2011
To add to my last post: As of tonight Harper can pull up to a kneeling position in her crib. Ahhh! Too many changes, my baby is growing up so quickly!
What a difference a week makes!
Sheesh! In baby world time seems to fly by faster than in pre-baby world. In just a week's time Harper is now sitting on her own (she could do this for a few seconds before but now she can for long periods of time...we still don't leave her unattended though as she sometimes gets distracted and falls on her face!). She is also on the verge of crawling. She has been able to scoot and wriggle around pretty well for a while, but now she gets up on her hands and knees and rocks back and forth. She can move her knees/legs in an alternate pattern but she has yet to figure out her arms. Soon! I am just praying I don't have to babyproof two houses, one for only a month or two! She reaches for everything now, expecting it to be handed to her (which it is a lot of the times). She even figured out that when she reached for our dinner plates and we moved them back she could just pull the placemat to get everything closer. Oh, and she has started the throw the toy on the floor so we can pick it up only to be thrown again game. My parent's neighbor's granddaughter was so sweet and kept picking up her toys for her that now she loves the game! She is definitely learning cause and effect and object permanence. She is still super social and will try hard to get people to pay attention to her. Most of the time they will smile at her and she goes about her business. If they don't though she works and works until they look at her or smile at her. In the airport she grunted at people who wouldn't pay attention to her. She is a well loved baby, obviously. ;-) More on our trip later!
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