Sunday, March 13, 2011
Harper eating rice cereal for the first time!
Tonight, we decided 'new time change- new feeding schedule'! (Plus her schedule was totally thrown off anyway) so Harper got to eat rice cereal for the very first time. She LOVED it! See the video! Pictures to come.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Videos of Harper
Here are some videos of HG. They include Harper blowing raspberries for the first time, Harper and Toby 'playing', Harper discovering her mommy's face, and Harper attempting to crawl.
Sorry about the quality, they were taken on my cell phone since our good camera takes videos at such a high quality that they won't upload.
Sorry about the quality, they were taken on my cell phone since our good camera takes videos at such a high quality that they won't upload.
Deep thoughts by Meredith

Okay, this should be called random thoughts, but I adore deep thoughts by Jack Handy so I had to title it this. Real quick, one of my favorite deep thoughts by Jack Handy:
"What would make a complete stranger dive into a freezing cold river to save a solid gold baby? We may never know."
Okay, and on to random thoughts.
1. I hate e-readers. Kindle, Nook, etc. I loathe the thought of them. Give me paper with the risk of getting a paper cut or tearing a page. I need the sensory experience when I read. I need the rustling sound of the pages. I need the musty smell of old books. Yes, I am a nerd, that has been established. I own it. Maybe this is because I worked at a library for so long. Maybe it is because I am becoming more and more like my mother with each passing day, rejecting the newest technologies (we didn't have an answering machine until 1998). I also love libraries, I can't wait to take Harper when she gets old enough. I love to visit the libraries of cities I travel. I recommend out of town visitors go to the Nashville Public Library when they visit Nashville (they never do). All of this to say, I promise I do not look down on those of you who do own or use e-readers. I could just never use one. However, if someone has an i-pad they want to give me...
2. I will follow an "I hate" thought with an "I love" thought. I love the diversity at Harper's daycare. First of all, I just love her daycare and the way they care for her and love on her. It makes it easy to leave her while I work. But back to my point. I love the diversity, I want her to be exposed to all different kinds of people from an early age. I loved moving around the country for that very reason when I was younger. I didn't intentionally pick her daycare for the diversity, but I am happy that she has that.
3. Why do bikers in Auburn not use the designated bike lanes? If I have to share the road with you, then you have to share the road with me. If I hit you because you are not where you are supposed to be, then you will be hurt. I don't want to hurt you. Also, do not ride on beehive road at 5:45am with dark clothing and no lights. The road is curvy. Again, I don't want to hurt you. We have had too many bikers injured in Auburn. Just because you are dressed like you are in the Tour de France doesn't mean you can ride without caution.
4. Why do babies smell so good? If they made a baby smell perfume I would buy it. Weird? yes. But everyone knows it is true. Even Jason knows what baby smell is now!
5. I really don't want Harper to ever email or text because I hate that people do not know grammar or punctuation or spelling anymore. I know, I know. You are mentally counting all my grammatical errors in this blog. I blog how I speak, though, and not how I write. Or if I were a 16 year old, I should say "i blog how i tlk nt how i rite". Grrr. Your versus You're, write versus right, there versus their versus they're. Do we not teach this in school? Do we not take off points for these things on papers?
6. They say pie is the new cupcake. But it seems like frozen yogurt is the new cupcake. Is it just because I live in Alabama and we are at least a year behind? Is frozen yogurt in a separate category? PS-I like cupcakes better than pie.
7. Last one, my husband is psychic. Not in the "I can see the future" kind. He is just an expert in predicting if someone is having a girl or a boy. He was at 100% last year. This year he missed ONE so far, but it was a second baby, so we are thinking he is only first baby psychic, not second. If you want him to tell you if you are having a boy or girl, give us a call. He says you have to be in the continental US for it to work. I just had to give him a plug! ;-)
Thursday, March 3, 2011
30 is the new.....
5 months old!

Wow, a lot has happened since January...I need to blog more so the non-facebook crowd can keep up with my life! Let's start with Harper. She is 5 months, 1 week old. She can now shimmy and scoot around pretty much wherever she wants to go (which isn't super far since she just wants to get to things that she can see). She isn't crawling, but using a combination of rolling, scooting, pushing, and pulling to get where she wants to go. She is more entertained by her toys now but her favorite thing is still to just talk to someone. At daycare they say she talks all day long (loudly) and sometimes not to anyone in particular, she just babbles to herself. She is her mother's child, I suppose. Once when I took her to Publix (I can't just say "the grocery store" because it is so much better...but I digress) she talked the whole time and people actually commented on how much she was talking. When I say talking I mean babbling. She even does some variegated babbling, for you SLP's. She also says 'mama' sometimes (not as a word, just as babble) but I still run over to her and say "I'm your mama!" or "Here's mama!". Just so she knows. And maybe she'll say mama first. But probably not, because she thinks the word dada is hilarious. She is cutting her first tooth and was absolutely miserable Tuesday. She had her first fever, but thankfully it was due to teething and not to illness! I hope she has someone else's teeth...all of mine had to be pulled but two (one naturally came out at the age of 10, the other got knocked out in a skateboarding accident when I was 7 or 8). Okay, so there is the Harper update. She is still the sweetest baby. Very chill but also very quick to let you know what she thinks, I am just thankful that most of the time she is happy so she smiles to tell us she's happy. On to other updates. WE. SOLD. OUR. HOUSE. Two years in the making, but we did it! We are so happy to be looking for our first REAL house and a place for our new family. Harper is excited about having a new room and Toby is happy to finally have a yard. I am just happy that everyone will be happy! Love to all!!!
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