So, lately I have been attempting to make more of an effort to appreciate daily the amazing creation that God has given to us. So with that new mission plus the fact that I had a lovely (literally) 5 hour drive from Nashville to Auburn to enjoy the creation and sit with my thoughts I thought I would include this post so everyone knows how amazing our world is!
Things I love:
1) Crunching in fallen leaves (when I am a REAL grownup with a house I want a yard full of hardwood trees so every fall I can go out in my own yard and crunch around in the leaves all I want- even if it means I have to rake 3 times a week!).
2) The first hints of fall (when the leaves are just about to change, when the wind blows and you can smell autumn around the corner, when the days are still warm but the nights are chilly)
3) When the trees explode into fireworks of fall colors (often I will make an explosion sound when I see an especially gorgeous tree).
4) Watching things grow...2 examples
(1) the maple tree planted in our yard (boy will I miss that tree when we move). It came to us after a hurricane which blew the seed into a potted plant on our apartment balcony in Birmingham and in just 4 years is now taller than Jason and turns the most gorgeous shades of red in the fall!
(2) my friend's daughter Meg- every time I see this adorable baby she has grown and changed in so many ways. Isn't it amazing how God makes us so that we are always growing and learning? I mean, we could have just come out knowing everything, but I love it that even in our final days we will still be learning! It is nice to have this reminder in a little baby. I wish as adults we could mature and learn as much in as short a time as children.
5) Football- I love going to the games, tailgating, watching great games on tv. I realized on my drive today, though, that what I enjoy most about football is enjoying this with OTHERS. I think it is just a great bonding experience to have a (hopefully) common goal to share!
Well, there are a few things I love about this time of year...and just in general! What do you appreciate? What parts of creation do you appreciate this time of year?