Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
"I pray that you being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge- that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God."
-Ephesians 3:17-21

Saturday, September 29, 2012


Yup, it's official. My baby is two. I am pretty sure being two means I can no longer call her my baby. She has, in fact, been denying the fact that she is a baby for almost 6 months now (if I cradle her in my arms and say in my best baby voice "Are you Mommy's baby?" the response is always 'no'.). Here are the Harper stats:
Height: 33.5 inches
Weight: 26 pounds
Appetite: Ferocious! When people see her eat for the first time they are always shocked at how much she eats!
Academics: Still attending the same daycare. Which they call a "child enrichment program". Which is actually true because Harper can now identify a circle and a heart, count to 10 (rote), say MOST of her ABC's (everyone blurs LMNOP together!), identify A, B, C, D, H, and T, and identify purple, red, orange, and sometimes pink and yellow.
Social: Harper continues to amaze me with her social skills. Which are completely typical but make this Mommy very proud. The other day she introduced Jason and I to one of the servers at Chik-fil-A (patting Jason on the arm "Daddy Jason" then pointing to me "Mommy Meredith"). She is still friendly and says hello to random strangers. I also love that kids don't have judgements about anyone (well, for the most part). No matter how scary or dirty or tough someone might look she happily waves and says hello. Which I think is a great lesson for me. Harper plays well with other children but has some difficulty sharing (we picked up that lovely word "MINE!" from daycare), especially if she thinks the toy is hers. She still has several children (girls) that she prefers and talks about and she even knows her BFF Avery's last name and her parents names! Harper enjoys playing with the other kids at daycare but sometimes is content to play by herself, too.
Motor skills: I finally got to observe Harper's class that she takes at daycare that teaches gross motor skills in a noncompetitive environment. She absolutely loves it and had the biggest grin on her face the whole time! Harper can jump, kick, throw (usually it goes forwards!), catch if you position her hands prior to throwing, climb a ladder (!), climb stairs if she holds a rail or a hand, roll, and generally doesn't STOP moving! She holds crayons well, but often so hard they break (which is entertaining because they she tries to put them back together). We've never tried to have her string anything so I have no clue if she can do that. All other skills are still there that have previously been mentioned.
Speech/Language: I will try to make this brief since I updated on this recently. Harper is using possessives, present progressive, some pronouns, speaking in some 3-4 word utterances, answers basic what and where questions, answers some who and when questions, and generally uses language very well! Some examples of recent sentences are "Daddy truck dirty" (heehee!), "Mommy go over there", "Baby poopy diaper." etc. etc. She puts sentences together in a funny order, "walking man", "running lady". Maybe she will learn Spanish well! ;-) Her articulation is good and she has many of her sounds but her substitutions are funny, Jason becomes Dason, go is dough. All totally age appropriate and sweet. Oh, and she refers to herself in the third person still. Which we have encouraged far too long. But I love hearing her say "Hahpuh go potty" or "Hahpuh eat?".
Favorites: Harper's favorite song right now is probably "Bringing home a baby bumblebee". She says "Ma ma mommy beso powda me" for 'won't my mommy be so proud of me'. She also likes Old MacDonald which she sings "E I E I O. Farmer. Cow. Mooo". When it rains she like to sing "Raining Pouring Old Man" as she calls it. And if she requests that you sing a song for her you better sing it because otherwise you will hear this: "ABCs. Mommy sing it" over and over again. Her favorite toy would probably be one of her baby dolls. It varies week to week. Favorite book would be Hop on Pop or Go Dog Go by Dr. Seuss. Favorite pair of shoes: hot pink crocs. Favorite food: fruit, pasta, cheese crackers (like Goldfish or Cheeze-Its). She also thinks Gigi's cupcakes are her favorite but she has only eaten those twice in her life so....Favorite tv show: the only one she has ever seen: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Which she maybe watches once a week. If that.
I can not believe I am already posting on 2. Why does time fly by so fast!?!?!?

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