Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
"I pray that you being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge- that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God."
-Ephesians 3:17-21

Sunday, October 7, 2012


This is an excerpt from an email I sent at the end of June. I have debated sharing this story for several months because I don't want anyone to think that we think Harper is 'extra holy' or is better than any other child. As the joke goes, she is the best child I've ever had! ;-) Seriously, though, she has not done this as often over the past several months as she was at that time. However, I think there is an important lesson in her childlike faith. Jesus speaks several times throughout the gospels of 'faith like a child'. I think that as adults we let so much of the world influence our thinking that it is hard for us to revert back to the time of childlike wonder and awe at our awe inspiring God. I honestly believe that all people of faith should question their faith to some degree- a faith that is never tested is naive. BUT once tested we should be so moved by a God that loves us without fail that we do have that child-like wonder for our God. Here is the story:
You know how you never totally understand something until you experience it? Like when people say having a child is the most humbling experience you can have. Well, I know for sure that is true! Usually in the business of coming home, taking Toby out, unloading the car, spending a few minutes with Harper, putting away dishes, starting dinner, eating dinner, cleaning up, getting Harper ready for bed, then getting me ready for bed I don't have a lot of time (or don't make a lot of time) to remember to pray for other people. I even forget most nights that we even have a sponsor child, Abhishek. We even have a picture of him on our fridge to remind us, but I still forget. Harper, however, has been remembering lately. Every day, usually when I am cooking, she sits in front of the fridge, points to his picture, and says "Pray Abhishek". So we say a short prayer for our sweet buddy in India. Today, however, driving home, Harper asked "Pray? Abhishek". My 21 month old has a better memory and a bigger servant heart than I will ever hope to have! I am going to be praying for faith like a child from now on, because this little girl amazes me with her faith! She doesn't want to pray just because she is reminded by seeing a picture or because it is habit to do so before a meal- she actually thinks about this all by herself and wants to pray! I don't know why God has given me such a sweet girl but I am sure thankful for such a blessing! 
I added the alphabet over the woman's face because we are not entirely sure who she is and I don't want to get anyone in trouble! Our sweet Abhi!
So there you go. No excuses. If a 21 month old can do it so can I. So can you. I will strive to live a life worthy of the calling that I have received. Now let's go do it! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People who sponsor a child in India do a world of good to the underprivileged ones. For them, it’s a small deed but only the needy can understand the true significance of such help.

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