Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
"I pray that you being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge- that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God."
-Ephesians 3:17-21

Monday, September 24, 2018

Harper is EIGHT!

Dear Harper,

My goal is to some day print all of these blog posts out and have them bound to give to you so you can read your mama's thoughts one day should you choose (and given the fact that you are VERY sentimental I have a feeling you WILL choose to read them).

Happy 8th birthday! This birthday is hitting hard for some reason- maybe because it seems 8 is that *magic* number where you move into the next life stage. Maybe because I remember much of my 8th year and for a very long time it was my favorite year of childhood. More freedom came with 8, I had my favorite teacher, Mrs. Matthews, when I was 8. I felt like I was grown up but still protected and innocent. Anyway sweet child, enough about me!

Your Daddy and I count our blessings daily that God gave us the responsibility to raise you. You are an amazing little girl and I pray you will always know that! You are KIND. You are SMART. You are BEAUTIFUL. Beautiful because you were created by a God who loves you so much he knows how many hairs are on your head. Who knows every mistake you will ever make and loves you deeply still. Harper you care so deeply about so many things. You care deeply for people- those around you and sometimes people you've never met but you hear their stories and you want to pray for them, help them, join them. You care deeply for animals- you want to be a vet right now because you think loving on animals and helping them all day seems like a dream job! You care deeply for our world- even when you were little you used to fuss if you saw litter and say "The world is not your trashcan people!". You get indignant about when trees get cut down (you and Daddy will have plenty of discussions about this later on), you mourn when you see a lost pet sign, you are incensed when someone does not treat another person fairly. You see yourself as a champion of justice, which is a wonderful quality but difficult to act on at this age. You have a strong faith and you love God in a way I could never fathom a child could.

You have been through more in life than most of your friends and have handled it with grace and courage. And because you handle tough things so well I often forget to check in and see how you are handling the normal "stuff". I pray that you will always know it is okay not to be okay and that we can be open about when things get hard. You do not have to always be tough- it's okay to need help!

Harper- you are turning into an amazing young lady and I am so glad we get to be a part of your life!


Harper had a Harry Potter sleepover this weekend to celebrate turning 8!

 Hogwarts wouldn't be complete without the Great Hall with floating candles!
 Platform 9 3/4 courtesy of Grandmother!
 The children got to make their own wands and even helped fill out their wand licenses!
 They also enjoyed learning some "spells"
 We attempted to make glow in the dark slime for potions class...they may have needed a new instructor!
 The Marauder's Map took them on a scavenger hunt!
 They played Quidditch on brooms!
 In "Potions Class"
 With their adopted owls, wands, and wand permits!
 They wanted a jumping picture (this captures the energy level well!)
Below: eating their Butterbeer (basically a rootbeer float with cream soda and butterscotch)
We had to include Moaning Myrtle! ha!

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